Monday, October 31, 2011

sorry I fail at blogging

 I know, I know - its been an entire week since I last put up a post! It's just been so crazy, what with my mom visiting last week (which was so nice, just what I needed to rejuvenate me for these last few weeks before Thanksgiving break) and it being Halloween weekend... But now that I'm back, I'm making a resolution: I will be a better blogger (kind of vaguely defined resolution I know - but it will happen)

 target sweater
h&m cardigan
street fair pendant
jcrew skirt
gap leggings
aldo boots
coach bookbag

So I've decided that I shouldn't be allowed to choose my outfits the  mornings Nicole gets up after me - it's dark, I'm tired, and I can't really be responsible for what I come up with. I mean yes, I look cute now, but this is only after I came back to my room post-Econ and realized that there was some work to be done (before what was on top was worn with ripped jeans and moccasins - cute pieces, but not right for this particular outfit).

Updates on these, which you've seen way too much:
1) I wear this necklace all the time
2) Boots are still falling apart, still pretty stressed out at the prospect
3) You actually have never seen these legging before (as I don't normally wear leggings in outfit posts, as a good fashion blogger) but they are the comfiest things ever. I tell you, Gap Body makes a quality pair of leggings.

So my face looks kind of weird in this picture, but I liked how it was movement-ey but not blurry - why do I attempt to explain my thought processes?

Happy Halloween everyone! It's weird, having Halloween on a Monday, right? I actually forgot until a friend reminded me... apparently in the real world trick-or-treating and other activities and such are still happening, but in college Halloween is basically the weekend, when everyone dresses up (I was Dorothy, in case you were wondering)

Ok, now I need to go do some work before Nicole and I watch a Halloween movie! Halloweentown, to be more exact - I don't do well with actual horror movies... But guess what you can all look forward to from me as a blogger? Semi-regular posting! Get ready for it...


  1. Love you bag and all bloggers go such phase...don't worry honey:) will always support you:)

  2. Beautiful pictures! Nice look :)

  3. Love your boots!! :))


  4. Hi dear, I just came across your blog through Natalie Off Duty and what a lovely surprise! You got a nice blog going on too.
    Def. worth the follow!


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