Sunday, December 12, 2010

study days... not

Ok. Sooo, I haven't posted for a bit. I was out and about, living life outside my dorm - last night, I slept over with my friend Colleen at Catholic! It was a party: we made dinner, we watched Christmas movies, and best of all we built a gingerbread train! A gingerbread what, you say? No, not a gingerbread house, not gingerbread men, but a gingerbread TRAIN. Yes, it was amazing. And here is proof:

 Colleen is going to loooove me for this photo

Sadly, I have to admit that it looks nothing like the picture on the box. However, it was quite fun to build! We had our issues, our power struggles, and problems with the frosting (it was "pre-made", a.k.a really sketchy turns-to-cement-in-a-second frosting. and it tasted weird). 
And our Christmas movie roster:
1) Elf - "Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?" Yes.
2) Olive the Other Reindeer. Got to be honest, never heard of it, still don't really know what it's about since I wasn't really paying attention... sorry Colleen...
3) Love Actually - Best. Movie. Ever.

And so this obscenely long post has something fashion-y in it, photos of what I was wearing  yesterday! (Today was a basketball game, not worth documenting my outfit)

I didn't feel like re-putting it on for self timer photos, so I just laid it out on the ground
h&m shirt
bdg tank
jcrew pants
h&m flats

It was a comfy, chic little casual outfit for an errands outing (if I do say so myself), and I really like the color combo with the army green and the floral-esque pattern in the tank. And as I said before, my minnies are my life. 

Lastly, (I promise), my clothing purchases from Target!

The sweater is a lot more green and a lot less blue in person, really a gorgeous color and quite comfortable. I need more sweaters, but I figured I shouldn't buy much since Christmas is coming up ;)

And the dress I just fell in love with, it has kind of a vintage feel with the design along the neck, the waistline and the little bit of tulle on the bottom. I love it, think it should be a good party dress for the coming Christmas season. I just love Target clothing. They always do such a good job, and the designer collaborations are so much fun! Speaking of, I came sooo close to buying one of the Mulberry for Target bags, they are so adorable, but I thankfully stopped myself from spending any more money. I'm a college student, I need to save :)
Tomorrow is the last day of reading days, so I am actually going to study. Library anyone? I haven't been there all weekend. But I will. I will be productive! I hope... but for now, bedtime. Have a good night :)


  1. Hah, gingerbread train. And you get everything in the box! I didn't know this exist :D Funny! I think you made a nice one!

    Peace and love!

  2. Sounds like a great time wioth friends! This weekend, I did a lot of nothing!

    p.s. I find it hard to take photos these days too!


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