So this post is a little shout-out dedicated to my friend Shannon and the blog she just started, "Lipstick Makes the Girl"! She is amaaazzing at makeup (and has a great sense of style if I do say so myself) not to mention a very good sense of humor - a.k.a her new blog is lots of fun. She took a stage makeup class at Marquette last semester and showed off all her fun looks as profile pictures as she went along. Now, since she's started her blog, she's posting these looks as well as new things she's trying out along the way. I know I'm biased but I have to say it's quite good! Here are some of her more amusing looks from last semester:
Oh the owl, most definitely my favorite... so cute!
I miss Shannon! Oh the fun we had at Vis (my high school, if you didn't know), the coffee runs and dinner dates. We actually had quite a few of those over break, leading me to believe that if we had gone to college together we would make each other broke. Our penchant for fine dining will be our downfall :)
So there you go! Check out her blog, its called Lipstick Makes the Girl, and it's definitely worth the read!
As for an update on my lovely condition, I have good news! Last night, I experimented a bit with clothing and my cast, with two results. First, the bad news: although my boyfriend jeans are loose, they are not loose enough to fit over my cast. Bummer. But the amazing, fantastic, all-around-great (can you tell I'm excited?) discovery: if you remember those sweater tights I wore a while ago (just around when I broke my foot), you remember I was sad to have ruined them with a hole in the left calf, so large they were basically unwearable. Solution: cut off the calf of those tights, which are so stretchy that I can now fit them over my cast and tuck them in, making them look like real tights - a.k.a when the forecast stops showing rain (which ends up with me wrapping my foot up in a plastic bag), I will sooo be wearing a skirt and tights!! Looks like I may be able to break out of my nightmare-ish sweatpants rotation before the weather warms up :)
Sooo, two amazing discoveries! A new blog to read, and a solution to what is surely the most difficult of fashion debacles I have ever faced :) Good day I'd say.
hahha the owl is crazy, very cute.