Sunday, February 19, 2012

long, fun weekend

So this weekend my friend Beth came down from Fordham to see me, and it's been such an amazing time! We've pretty much been going non-stop since her bus arrived Friday evening - I have to say, we've done a pretty good job fitting everything in. Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous day, so we walked around the National Mall, where a lot of these photos were taken (anyone else notice the Gilmore Girls reference in the second photo?). Saturday night we walked over to the H Street area where we grabbed dinner and some ridiculously delicious pie (I believe the actual restaurant name, fittingly enough, was "Dangerously Delicious") and went to H Street Playhouse for what may be the creepiest version of "Peter Pan" to ever be staged.  Creepy, but good.

The food pictures are from this morning's excursion down to the Eastern Market/Capitol Hill neighborhood, where we wandered the stalls and food vendors at the market, then hit up this adorable little consignment shop where I picked up a great leather jacket - so get ready for some pictures of that, coming soon... Then we went for a late lunch with Colleen, her roommate, and her boyfriend Richard, who was also in town visiting this weekend. I had the best burger of my life, and after topping it off with an always-delicious Baked and Wired cupcake, I may never eat again. Except we're going to watch a movie tonight, so of course I will. 

Hope everyone else has had a lovely weekend, enjoy the day off tomorrow! (Except apparently no one else gets President's Day off but Beth and I?) 

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